New Certified CURP Document for Mexico

Oct. 27, 2021
” CURP Certificada”
There’s a new document (shown below) for pretty much everyone in Mexico, (except tourists). This new CURP is also for foreigners who have interactions & activities with our Mexican govt, including INM. This new Certified CURP document is designed to clean up any “corrupted” personal data in Mex. Gob records, and hence is now being required** for many activities we have with the Mexican govt., including the INM, Registro Civil offices, and SAT-Hacienda tax activities.

Why a new “CURP Certificate”?
The old CURP numbers & records have been plagued with a combination of errors in the personal data, and too many individuals having 2 or more CURP numbers assigned to them. As a result, our National Population Registry (RENAPO) is unifying all of the personal data they have on each of us under a single Certified CURP.

How do you get your Certified CURP?
1. Go to
2. Select the option “CURP”
or fill in your personal data.
3. Click on the “search” button.
Your CURP data will appear on the screen.
4. On this screen, click the option to “Print Official Document”

This automatically issues your new Certified CURP – aka CURP Certificate, including your new QR code …

What if you choose to not get your Certified CURP?
**The normal CURPs will continue to be an accepted official document, but choosing to not get a Certified CURP document, means that many government processes will take you longer, because our government’s new internal procedures require a Certified CURP – meaning delays while they pull up & generate one, that’s good for just that one action.

*      *      *      *

Feel free to copy while giving proper attribution: YucaLandia/Surviving Yucatan.
© Steven M. Fry

Read on, MacDuff…

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13 Responses to New Certified CURP Document for Mexico

  1. Excellent. Thanks for the steer.

  2. No way to edit comments, alas, so here’s another. I just noticed that I’ve had the “new” form in my files for years, so this is not new at all. Still good to have, I guess. I’ve never been asked for the “new” form. Writing the CURP numbers from the old card still works fine. FYI.

  3. Neal Donaldson says:

    I am a perminante resident I was told I need an FRC to register the car I plan to buy. Will this new document help me? On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 2:53 AM Surviving Yucatan wrote:

    > yucalandia posted: ” Oct. 27, 2021″ Certificada CURP ” There’s a new > document (shown below) for pretty much everyone in Mexico, (except > tourists). This new CURP is also for foreigners who have interactions & > activities with our Mexican govt, including INM. This new doc” >

  4. Mary Jungquist says:

    I can’t get the link to work.

  5. Chuck Dueck says:

    I followed this process, and the document is almost identical to one I’ve had for years. The new one does not have the Mexico flag under the word SEGOB, and there is a different Lic. person. Otheriwse the QR codes and everything else is the same

    • yucalandia says:

      Everything is not the same.

      As the report above describes, there are additional processes going on behind your screen when you do it.

      As a computer guy, you know that when you click options on a display menu, there’s often more going on inside the machine. The actions of pulling up your new CURP record online in the govt’s new CURP database, and clicking the button to print a new CURP Certificada, completes the govt’s certification process for aggregating your old previous personal data from various old files in other databases – packaging them into a new single database, where the process purges any “corrupt personal data”, and eliminates any previous replicate CURPs that were issues – creating a new shiny clean record of your personal data in the Govt’s new database.

      IOW .. The IT guys & programmers have to justify their existance, by occassionally creating new software & tweaks to programs to prove to the boss that they’re still necessary – whether the changes are necessary or not. 😉

  6. chuckd09 says:

    This document is almost identical to one I have had for many years. Same QR codes, just a different color and name of Licencia

  7. GERALD GARNTO says:

    The document that I got back is exactly the same except for the Lic. signature, and it doesn’t say “New certified CURP”.
    So what gives,

    • yucalandia says:

      It’s all about the process of logging into the govt. website, and confirming your information by printing the new document.

      As the article describes above, those steps completes the govt’s process of aggregating all your personal data from different past files, into a single approved-certified file in the new CURP database.

  8. Larry says:

    new card is too large for wallet and away to large after lamination

  9. Bruce McGovern says:

    Carefully examining the image, I realized I also had this for some time. I note that since I am not a Mexican citizen, mine has a red border. My wife is a citizen so hers is green as you show. With Immigration I had to have the new form. Thankfully Immigration is just a bad memory now, unless I choose to try to become a citizen — which I do want to do; I am 79 and love Mexico and want to die as a Mexican.

  10. Pingback: FYI | Chicxulub Food Bank Yucatan Mexico |

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